Whether in a small or a large company, success lies in the reliability of the workforce. Recruitment, therefore, is a sensitive part of company operations.
Image source: Techsheer.com
Many companies employ exhaustive means, apart from examinations and interviews, to evaluate the competence and character of applicants. The pre-hiring background screening has then become a growingly popular adjunct measure. This extra caution assumes that a candidate who looks good on paper might have more dimensions to his or her character. This step is meant to eliminate negligent hiring altogether while ensuring that the company welcomes only those with unimpeachable backgrounds and proven past performance.
Image source: Recruitingunblog.com
In highly competitive industries where only the fittest and the brightest are given an opportunity, some applicants, out of desperation, end up misrepresenting themselves. To assess the honesty of their potential recruits, the human resources department can hire a private investigator to perform background checks.
Though there are still some companies that find this step extraneous, costly, and intrusive, those that include this step in pre-hiring have discovered that the process has spared them from mismatched hires who eventually became liabilities. Responsible recruitment is a must to preserve a company’s integrity.
Award-winning criminal justice professional Adam Quirk has 15 years of experience in investigations, regulatory compliance, team leadership and supervision, program initiation, and development. Find out more about his company, Stealth Advise, on this page.
Recruitment is a sensitive part of company operations.
ReplyDeleteThis process is costly but very effective.
ReplyDeleteThe company will able to get the best employees thoroughly by using background screening..
ReplyDeleteI agree with these..
ReplyDeleteI have been in the HR industry for 10 years. Maybe our company should incorporate pre-hiring background screening.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great tool to test the honesty of the applicants.
ReplyDeleteI find it very helpful for the company..
ReplyDeleteSometimes recruitment is blinded by the good looks of an employee.
ReplyDeleteChecking backgrounds and proven past performance would be a great factor in choosing the right employees.